usually, and they typically stay with them their whole lives
Yes. A whale can stay underwater for an hour.
A whale CAN drown- they cannot stay underwater indefinitely. When underwater, they hold their breath. They are REALLY good at holding their breath, and their bodies have adapted to doing that.
Paint does not affect how long the turtle can stay underwater..
Since a whale shark is really a shark rather than a whale (mammal) it does all its breathing through its gills. Although a whale shark can come to the surface, it does not need to do so in order to breath like a whale would. With that in mind, a whale shark can stay underwater from the moment it is born until the minute it dies of injury, disease, or old age. Since the life expectancy of a whale shark is around 70 years, that works out to be around 36,792,000 minutes.
A penguin can stay underwater for about 15 minutes and can go to a depth of 1700 feet.
Yes whales can stay under water for more than an hour, unless they are still babies then they need to have oxygen sooner.
about a minute
Adult gray whales can stay underwater for approximately 10 - 15 minutes.
i don,t have credit car I'm stay in somaliya war zone so i like to get blue nickname
they will be dead