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Yes, of course! If you don't feed it, it will starve.

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genesis brenes

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2y ago

By giving it dog food

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Q: How would I feed my dog?
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Why would you want to do that? You do not feed a cat to a dog. Feeding a cat to a dog is animal abuse.

Can you feed your dog crackers?

yes you can feed your dog crackers, but i don't think it would be very healthy for it.

What would you donot to feed to dog?


You should feed your dog about half a bowl?

It helps to know if you have a big dog or a small dog a big dog would probably have 3 scoops and a little dog would probably have 1 and a half scoops

How do you make my dog like me?

Best bet would be that you should be the one to feed the dog.

How would you feed your dog gently and kindly?

Stroke your dog and hug them while pouring the food into the kettle for the dog :)

Can you feed your dog chicken that might be to old to eat?

You should not feed your dog anything at all that might be to old. By not knowing how old it is the smart thing to do would be to not feed your dog the chicken. It is better to be safe than sorry and in this case your dog could get very sick.

I would say every once a day because if do'nt feed your dog then you will are not being a great owner so not trying to be mean but i need you to try to feed that dog so he or she does not bark thanks for the quetsetion enjoy you r day day?

i will give you a question so if you coud feed your dog how many years would you feed him o rhsjr

i should feed my dog at the 3pm or 2pm?

It is best to feed your dog when you wake up but only feed your dog treats but your dog has to earn there treats have your dog go outside and use the bathroom, then at 5pm you can feed your dog for its dinner these are the best times to feed your dog

As the dog can feed?

on you can not feed a eggplant to a dog

if yo dog was hungry how much would yo feed em?

you should feed him a whole bowl of food

Your dog had a pup an hour ago and has yet to lay with it or feed it?

I'm not a vet... but any dog I've had that had puppies nursed right away... I would try to get your dog to relax so she can feed her newborn