

Home range of a red fox?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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Distributed throughout the northern hemisphere from the Arctic Circle in the north, as far south as North Africa, including much of North America, all of Europe and most of Asia, including Japan. They are found practically everywhere in mainland Britain, as well as on many islands.

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8y ago

To view a range map of the red fox, click on this link.

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8y ago

The red fox weights range from 2.2 to 14 kg (4.9 to 30.9 lb), with vixens typically weighing 15–20% less than males.

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13y ago

2 to 5 sq miles (5 to 12 sq kilometers)

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15 lbs

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4y ago

they are origanle from Saint Louis

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Is red fox endangered and how?

The red fox is very common throughout its range and in no danger of going extinct anytime soon.

Do red foxs migrates?

No. The red fox is a year round resident throughout his range.

What color is a fox that lives in Colorado?

A Red Fox on the porch of anEvergreen, Colorado home.

What year was the red fox put on the endangered species list?

The red fox is not an endangered species at all. Very common small canid over its range.

What part of Canada is the red fox found in?

Red Foxes are found in the northen parts of canada such as nunavut.

Are there any animals that hunt for the same food as the Arctic fox?

The main competition comes from the red fox that inhabits much of the range of the Arctic fox.

What kind of fox do tundra wolves eat?

Both the red fox and the Arctic fox are found in the range of the Arctic wolf and may be occasionally be taken as prey by them.

How can a red fox population be controlled?

There is no need to control the population of the red fox.

What is the biggest fox ever found?

The largest of the true foxes is the red fox. Weights range from 2.2 to 14 kg (4.9 to 30.9 lb), with vixens typically weighing 15–20% less than males.

What is the geographical range of a red fox?

Red foxes live in grasslands, mountain areas, deserts, thick forests, and even urban areas!

How many red foxs are left in the world today?

No exact figure available, but the red fox is a common animal over it's range.

Can a gray fox mate with a red fox?

No. Sorry. The Red fox (Vulpes Vulpes) has 38 Chromosomes and the Gray Fox (Urcyion) has 66 chromosomes. They cant mate anymore than a dog and a fox (any kind of fox) can. The red fox is an invasive species and is taking over the grey foxes range all over North America. If they could interbreed, there would be hybrids all over.