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The closest to the story being real is a whale hunter who was said to have been swallowed by a whale and cut out of the stomach to survive; it could only have been for a few seconds. Of course, a whale isn't a fish.

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Jonah was swallowed by a fish as he failed to listen to God, and he ran in the opposite direction. As nhe sailed from Joppa [modern Jaffa] located on the coast of Israel opposite Jerusalem and tried to go to Tarshish [probably modern Spain] it means he was swallowed somewhere in the Mediterranean.

CI Scofield Notes on Jonah 1" that:-

No miracle of Scripture has called forth so much unbelief. The issue is not between the doubter and this ancient record, but between the doubter and the Lord Jesus Christ. Mat 12:39, 40 Science, "falsely so called" 1Ti 6:20 failing to take account of the fact that it deals only with the outward phenomena of a fallen race, and of an earth under a curse Gen 3:17-19 is intolerant of miracles. To faith, and to true science, miracle is what might be expected of divine love, interposing God in a physically and morally disordered universe. Rom 8:19-23


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Q: Has anyone other than Jonah ever been swallowed by a fish?
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Who was swallowed by a whale?

Jonah AND Sinbad, Pinocchio along with Geppeto, Kipling's Mariner, Baron Munchausen

Did Jonah eat the fish after he spit out on shore?

it was a whale, so likely, it just swam awayAnswerNo. We are told in the Book of Jonah that a 'great fish' swallowed him, spitting him out three days later. There is a common misconception that it was a 'whale' as this is not mentioned at all in the Hebrew scriptures, nor do whales live in the seas surrounding the area where the story of Jonah was set. Many critics of this story believe it to be fiction as it would be impossible for Jonah (or anyone else) to be swallowed by a fish like this and survive. However, there have been several well-documented cases of sailors and others swallowed either by whale sharks (the largest species of fish in the world) and other large mammals such as whales, and surviving.Therefore, as such a fish would be very large, it would be impossible for Jonah to have 'eaten' it.

What kind of whale swole johna blue or humpback whele?

Jonah could not have been swallowed by a whale at all. Whales have throats the size of a small melon (bigger for a blue whale), but incapable of swallowing a human. It is possible Jonah was swallowed by a shark! It is also possible that the story of Jonah and the whale was a parable, and not a true story, but one that got a point across!

Is Simon peter jonah's son?

No, Simon Peter, also known as Peter, is not Jonah's son. Simon Peter was a fisherman who later became one of Jesus' twelve apostles, while Jonah was a prophet from the Old Testament known for being swallowed by a great fish.

What old testament book tells the story of a prophet of god who was swallowed by a whale?

The prophet was Yonah or Jonah. Muslims call him Yunus. Please see the related link for a discussion about his significance.

What kind of whale ate Jonah?

It was not a whale. The book of Jonah clearly staes that Jonah was swallowed by a big fish, and a whale is not a fish. We are not told what sort of fish it was. It is quite conceivable that, for the time frame that the story was written in, it could have been likely that the "big fish" was in fact a whale. To many people, scientific classification and terms did not apply, and even though a whale is indeed a mammal, it swims and lives in the ocean, which could have possibly led many to believe that it was a big fish.

How long was Jonah trapped in the whale?

He was in the whale Three days and three nights. Jonah 1:17Answer:Due to some unfortunate translations in the King James Bible ... the originally inspired wording doesn't say Jonah was swallowed by a "whale." It says:"...Now the Lord had PREPARED A GREAT FISH to swallow up Johah..." (Jonah 1:17).Even Matthew's KJV use of the word "whale" is originally inspired as: "ketos" (kay'-tos) - "a huge fish."So, while it could possibly have been a whale... it may not have been. It says that God "specially prepared" a great fish. This may have been a whale, a specially prepared accomodating fish of some other variety... or a very special great fish that never existed before (or since).

Was Jonah swallowed by a fish or whale?

When Jonah was cast into the sea, a "great fish" that the Lord had prepared for him swallowed him. Jonah was swallowed by a fish, not a whale, since a whale is a mammal, not a fish.By a WhaleMatthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly. The Greek word translated "whale" in the King James Version (above) and many other English translations may also be translated "great fish." The word is ketos or kaytos � probably derived from the word xasma or khasmah (from which we get the English word chasm) � referring to a huge fish "gaping for prey." More than likely the translators of the 17th century KJV didn't know or didn't care that a whale is not a fish; for them, if it swam and had "fins," it was a fish.By a FishJonah 1:17 Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. Here the Hebrew words for "great" (gadol) and "fish" (dag) are used. (Perhaps someone who knows Hebrew could edit this answer to state whether the Hebrew language had a word for "whale?")By the Sea Monster, LeviathanMatthew 12:40 - New American Standard Bible: "for just as JONAH WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE BELLY OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth".Whale and fish are synonymous in Biblical classificationBoth whale and fish are correct. In Jonah 1:17 "Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah", but in Matthew 12:40, it is written "For as three days, and three nights was Jonas in the whale's belly; so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." This isn't a contradiction. First, it says a great fish, and then it says, the whale's belly. In biblical classification, a whale is a fish. so that is not a contradiction. Fish would be more accurate.It is a fact that most whales have throats about the size of a grapefruit! Therefore Jonah was swallowed by a large fish!***Jonah was not swallowed by anything. Rather he was "in the belly of the whale, or Great Fish". This is the Constellation Cetus (the great Fish). He was a sailor and all sailors navigated by the stars and constellations those stars formed. Constellations are simply groups of stars (grouped by people to be able to remember the names of the stars). Jonah was at sea, stuck in the "belly" of the constellation Cetus for 3 days and nights before being mercifully washed ashore.) This understanding takes nothing from the sense of the story, but rather enhances the validity of it.***

How do you find out who has been looking for you?

ask other people if they know of anyone who has been looking for you.

A bolus is an?

a mass of food that has been chewed and is ready to be swallowed

Is Jonah Wizard real?

jonah wizard is so fake I checked book publishings none of the ''books'' have ever been published

What movie and television projects has Jonah Goldstein been in?

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