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There are numerous good and bad points about whaling. Good point would be that it brings a source of food and money for a whaling country. The bad side would be that in doing so, they are destorying the environment by hunting endagered whales for commercial purposes. The good side is usually only good side of whaling if you can call it but it mostly negative.

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7y ago

good point: we have meat. Bad point: where kiling nature in the biosphere

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Q: Good point for killing whales and bad point for not killing whales?
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I'm pretty sure they do. Some whales eat fish and plankton. Japan eats lots of food that is related to fish, or seafood. Whales will just become a rival to the Japanese. Why? The Japanese need to get the fish, to get money. They can't do that without exterminating the whales and other animals that eat fish near their area.

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Belugas, blue whales, humpback whales....most of them, in fact.