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Tough but flexible chitinous exoskeleton providing protection and aid against dessication, and segmentation into specialized groups called tagmata for division of labor such as food handling, sensory appendages, and locomotion appendages

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Q: Give two important characteristics of organisms in Phylum Arthropoda?
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What are the 2 organisms of phylum?

The phylum level is a taxonomic rank that groups organisms based on shared characteristics. One example of a phylum is Chordata, which includes organisms such as mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. Another example is Arthropoda, which includes insects, spiders, and crustaceans.

What is the the three groups that ocean organisms are divided into?

Cetacea, phylum Arthropoda, phylum Cnidaria

Which classes of organisms belong to the phylum 'arthropoda'?

Insects, arachnids (spiders, scorpions), crustaceans (crabs, shrimp), and myriapods (millipedes, centipedes) belong to the phylum Arthropoda. This phylum is characterized by having jointed legs and a hard exoskeleton.

What is the phylum of housefly?

The phylum of housefly is Arthropoda.

What phylum do crayfish belong to?

Lobsters are belong to the Phylum of Arthropoda.

What phylum do termite belong?

Ants belong to the phylum Arthropoda

What type of symmetry do sponges exhibit How does this differ from organisms belonging to phylum Cnidaria Arthropoda?

Sponges exhibit asymmetry, meaning they lack any distinct symmetry. In contrast, organisms from phylum Cnidaria and Arthropoda typically exhibit radial symmetry (such as jellyfish) or bilateral symmetry (like butterflies), respectively, where body parts are arranged around a central axis or mirror images are present on either side of the body.

What phylum does cockroach belong?

Cockroaches belong to the phylum Arthropoda.

What Phylum are Insects found in?

arthropoda the same as crustecans

What phylum is the dragon fly in?

The dragonfly belongs to the phylum Arthropoda.

What class of organisms does Jacques belong to from finding nemo?

Jacques is in the class Crustacean in the phylum Arthropoda.