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Q: Europeans call your version of this animal a wapiti you call their version of this animal a moose What is it?
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What is another name for an American elk?

another name for antelope is a dik-dik which is a baby antelope.

What are some food specialitys in Quebec?

Poutine, tourtière, stew, deer, boar, wapiti, moose, maple syrup.

What name does Europeans give to the moose?

There's a breed of Moose that Europeans call an Elk. [see: European Elk (not Canadian Elk)]

What animal hunts an elk?

a wolf but one kick from an elk can break their leg or a rib bone

Are moose real?

The animal, moose, is real.

What is the difference between a moose and mousse?

A moose is a large animal, and a mousse is a whipped dessert (typically chocolate). The pronunciation is exactly the same.

Is a moose a hooved animal?


What is Montana's state animal?

It is a moose

Heaviest animal in Canada?

the moose.

What is Maine's favorite animal?

The Moose.

What is the chemical equation for a moose?

A moose? A moose has the same chemical equations going on as any large herbivorous animal, and there are a pile of them.

What kind of wetland do moose live?

Moose don't live in wetlands. They are a forest animal.