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Not in every season much dry skin cause wrinkles and cracks while in winter and dry seasons. However it would be beneficial in summers. There are less chances to have pimple on dry skin as compare to oily one.

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...sign that you are not taking good care of your skin

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Dry Skin Is A Good?


Is dry shaving good for your skin?

no it is not good for your skin because you might get hurt thank you

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What is a good soap to use that will not dry your skin out?

dove soap will not dry out your skin it works on all skin types and men can use it aswell

How do you know if you have dry skin?

Usually dry skin results in flakiness, when your skin starts to peel or even ashiness, when you can see that your skin is dried out. Another way you can tell if your skin is too dry is if you pull at your skin and it is too dry to flex and it feels like it is cracking. If your skin is dry the best solution is to use a good moisturizer/ lotion.

What do you do for dry skin on fingers?

you use moisturizer there this really good stuff it has Vaseline in it and there one especially designed for dry skin

What are good moisturizers for severe dry skin?


What are good cures for severe dry skin?

Dry skin has a lot of factors. In your case I would first try to figure out whether the problem of dry skin is external due to weather or internal due to what you're eating, health etc. The following website provides good home remedies for dry skin:

What type of skin treatment do I need for my dry, flacky skin?

Using lotion is a good skin treatment you need for your dry, flacky skin. You can read more at

Is castor oil good for dry skin on cats?

Veterinarians have determined that castor oil is not good for cats. However, olive oil is a great alternative for treating dry skin on cats.

what type of makeup should be done on dry skin?

well , skin prepping is the key to a flawless base and any kind of skin to work on with. you can use good hydrating moisturisers and oils for dry skin

Where can I can buy lotion for dry skin?

The best way to treat dry skin is to moisten it daily. Keeping dry skin moist will allow it to become soft and smooth. Lotion with aloe Vera is very good in treating this condition.