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Pets provide humans with unconditional love and emotional support, which pet owners might be especially thankful for during the stressful times we are living through. Feeding your Pet a nutritious diet is just one way to show them how much you care, in addition to providing them with the right food to which provide them proper health.

We FeedingPets are the pet food suppliers in UK. We manufacture food for dog, puppy, cat, kitten. Our food is full of vitamins, protein and Omega3 which is crucial for your pet’s health.

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15y ago

sometimes you spoil your dog to much so it wont eat out of its bowl. Or your dog can be sick, so what you do is dont feed your dog anything for a day and if it sleeps all day without intrest in any food you cook, you are going to have to force feed it. if you dog still doesnt eat and say it pukes what you did get it to eat, take it to the vet. :)

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15y ago

It sounds as if the dog may have been injured, such as possibly being struck by a car, or some other type of trauma. Also, if the dog is an older dog, it may have Arthritis, which would cause pain. When a dog is in pain, it often has no appetite.

But there are a number of things that could cause this, so you need to have the dog examined by a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment. Any time a dog stops eating this is a sign of something is wrong, and needs to be seen by a vet.

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10y ago

If your dog smells but does not eat, it may be ill. It is a good idea for you to take it to a vet for close examination and diagnosis.

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14y ago

Was the dog exposed to heat for too long? could it have gotten into some chemicals?

yes.. the heat has been horrible here in Corona Ca

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15y ago

Take this dog to the vet?

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Q: Dog just lying around thick saliva drooling not eating?
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Feel the dogs stomach, if it is tight and hard your dog may have worms. Take it to the Vet to confirm.

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Lying around.

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Have you just fed your horse ? it sounds like choke something stuck in the horses food pipe you need avet to check it. Mine choked and had to have a tube placed up her nose and the compacted food siphoned out. As a horse is unable to vomit they cough and saliva runs out the nose as it cant pass the obstruction. the lying down and sweating is just the way a animal reacts to stress.

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No, not necessarily. But eating a big meal and then lying down could be bad for your health. It might give you heartburn or a stomach (tummy) ache; also, if you always lie down after eating, it could certainly contribute to becoming overweight eventually, because you really should try to burn off some calories after eating a big meal.

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