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I would HIGHLY suggest it -- many wild animals that come in close contact with homes are flea-carriers (squirrels, especially) but flea-infestation from that is pretty unlikely.

However, even the best behaved cats can occasionally make a break for an open door, or end up disappearing outside for a few hours, and Advantage is much less hassle than getting rid of fleas once they've let themselves in!

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Cat owners that keep their cats inside still need to be concerned about their indoor cats carrying bugs. Fleas seem to be a common issue for indoor cats.

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If it is clear foam it is due to hairballs that the cat is trying to vomit out, you will need to give the cat a laxative or lactulose to help. These products can be purchased only from the veterinarian.

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You really need to take your cat to a vet so that he can give you something that will help. There's really nothing else you an do.

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well if the cat is an indoor only cat they can live to about 20 years tops but if its a indoor outdoor or only outdoor cat then probably 10 or 15 years.

What happeneds if you don't let your cat outside?

Nothing, then you have yourself an indoor cat.

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