Why the cat need to be vaccinated?
A kitten requires a series of shots. The first is the feline
distemper, sometimes refered to as FVRCP. These are given in a
series with 2 shots about 3-4 weeks apart. The FVRCP is repeated
annually. Vaccines for feline leukemia and feline aides are
important if the cat goes outside. These vaccines are given in a
series of 2 to bolster immunity in the the first year, then
annually. Rabies is given annually begining at 16 wks old.
New recommendations are first shots at 9 weeks old. Rabies after
20 weeks. USE ONLY NON ADJUVANTED rabies. You do not vaccinate for
anything (except rabies by law) after the kitten shots. (a series
of 2, four weeks apart).