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Q: Does the word polar mean cold?
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What word describes seasons at the north and south poles?

The word is "polar," and the seasons experienced at the North and South Poles are often referred to as polar seasons.

Where did the Polar Bear get its name from?

The polar bear gets its name from its habitat in the Arctic region, which is characterized by icy, polar conditions. Their white fur and environment also contribute to their name, distinguishing them as bears adapted to living in polar climates.

Is the tundra too cold for polar bears?

No. Polar bears thrive in cold weather.

Why is Coca-cola's mascot a polar bear?

A polar bear represents Cold!, The "Cold" Word has been Used for the last Century for Marketing Coca-cola to the southern states where Coca-cola Headquarters is Located (Georgia)

When are polar region cold?

The polar regions are cold year-round, but they are their coldest August through May.The polar region is cold because the energy of the sun arrives at an oblique angle.

What is a cold polar desert?

Antarctica is a cold polar desert. It is the coldest, driest and largest desert on earth.

What does the spanish word fria mean in English?

The Spanish word "fría" means "cold" in English.

Is something polar?

An object or substance is considered polar if it has a separation of positive and negative charges due to differences in electronegativity. This creates a dipole moment, making one end of the molecule slightly positively charged and the other end slightly negatively charged. Examples of polar substances include water and ammonia.

Are Polar deserts are hot or cold deserts?


What does the word polar mean?

Polar refers to the north and south poles. The poles are also the centers of the magnetic field that is around the Earth.

Where do polar bears live - in the cold or warm?

Polar bears love the cold , they would not thrive in a warm climate

Do polar bears like cold or hot places?

Polar bears like cold places, hence why they live in the North where all the snow and cold is.