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Yes, that is true.

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Q: Does the theory that organisms share a common ancestor is known as common descent?
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Which terms is associated with the single-celled ancestor theory?

The term associated with the single-celled ancestor theory is "Last Universal Common Ancestor" (LUCA). This theory postulates that all living organisms on Earth trace back to a single-celled organism from which all life evolved.

Darwin and theory of common descent states that all organisms?

Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms _____.

Darwin’s theory of common descent states that all organisms?

Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms evolved from past organisms.

What should each species on Earth today have according to the theory of Common Descent?

The theory of Common Descentbelievesthat all species on earth have a common ancestor.

What is common descent with modification?

Common descent with modification is the concept that all organisms on Earth are descended from a common ancestor, and that over time, through the process of natural selection, genetic changes accumulate in populations leading to the diversity of life we see today. This idea was proposed by Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution.

Darwin believed that all organisms on earth are united into a single tree of life by?

Darwin believed that all organisms on Earth are united into a single tree of life by descent with modification, meaning that all living organisms share a common ancestor and have evolved over time through natural selection. This concept forms the basis of evolutionary theory.

Is cell theory associated with the single-celled ancestor theory?

Line of descent

What is associated with single celled ancestor theory?

line of descent

What is associated with the single-celled ancestor theory?

line of descent

What term is associated with the celled ancestor theory?

line of descent

What is the type of descent that explains why all species are linked in a single tree of life?

The type of descent that explains why all species are linked in a single tree of life is called common descent. This theory proposes that all living organisms on Earth share a common ancestor, leading to the diverse array of life forms we see today. It is supported by various lines of evidence, such as genetic similarities and the fossil record.

What theory stated that organisms evolved from a common ancestor?

The theory that states organisms evolved from a common ancestor is the theory of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin in his book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection explains how species change over time through the process of adaptation to their environments.