You should use Veet armpit wax. It is safe and does not have any side effects. It will leave you will lesser hair growth every time.
One more year and you'll start seeing it...
Very little if any. It will probably not show up until 14 or so. It will vary though. Myself, i have quite a bit of armpit hair and i am only twelve.
i seriously don't know
Do you mean Sasuke or sakura? Well, Sasuke becomes powerful, you don't see him in any episodes becaues he is traning with Orochimaroo. As for Sakura she become powerful too so powerful that she can beat up Naruto in ninetailed fox form!! She becomes hokage at the last episode, not Naruto. (Alante2010) I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I HIGHLY doubt that.
DEFINITELY NOT! When I was younger I didn't get any hair there until I was late into 15. So don't be shy!
Well this is how you make Naruto hair! First you need to go on then you need to type in Lego exoforce or exoforce. Than buy any mini figure. To get Saskue hair go to the figure with the purple hair. To get Naruto hair get the figure with the red hair. They aren't the exact color , but spray paint Naruto's hair yellow and for Saskue's hair ,spray paint it black or white depending if you want the curse mark's second form. well I hope this helped.
well,,, i dont know but when you first get armpit hair at beginning of puberty and shave it, it grows back super fast and darker
your armpit sounds like nothing,a single armpit cannot make any sound whatsoever
*SLAP* Pein is not related to naruto IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, Pein is not yodaime, Nor is he in anyway related to naruto. Naruto is the son of Yodaime and (I dont know her name but i know she has red hair).
Long armpit hair represents something deeply inappropriate and embarrassing. So the dream suggests that you are afraid that something humiliating in your personal hygiene or habits might be exposed. Please note that the dream reflects your anxiety. It does not predict any actual future humiliation.