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It'll do pretty much everything the same way as the regular cheetah does it.

The only thing that sets a King Cheetah apart is that it's got a different marking pattern than the regular cheeta, with a couple of black stripes running down its back.

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Who hunts the King Cheetah?

== == A King cheetah is just a normal cheetah with slightly different markings on its fur. Cheetah are not hunted (except by man) but should a cheetah cross a lion, the lion or a hyena, it will be attacked. It is unlikely that a lion will eat a cheetah, however, hyena have no issues with eating cheetah.

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What is the difference between a king cheetah and a regular cheetah?

The king cheetah is simply a different color morph which has a combination of stripes and spots.

What are the king cheetah's parents?

Other cheetahs, carrying the gene for the fur pattern that sets the King Cheetah apart.

Can you get king cheetahs on zoo tycoon 2?

Yes. The only way to obtain the king cheetah in game is by chance. Every time you adopt a normal cheetah there is a slight chance it will have the king cheetah pattern.

Can a king cheetah kill a tiger?

a king cheetah goes realy fast so they both have chances

What phylum does the king cheetah belong to?

The cheetah belongs to the phylum chordata.

What is a king cheetah hunted for?

its hide

Is king cheetah a natural type of cheetah or manmade?

Well, they are certainly not man made. That would be rather silly. King Cheetah patterns are natural, the real question is if they are a mutation or a recessive gene.

Can a king cheetah kill a leopard?

A leopard can kill a cheetah but the leopard will have injuries.But a King Ceetah will kill a leopard to defend it's territory

What breeds can cheetahs be?

Cheetahs are no breed they are one species. But there are different breeds of the species, there is the king cheetah. Here are some facts about what the king cheetahis like and how they are different to the normal cheetahs.The King Cheetah is even rarer than the regular one. It easy to tell the two apart. On a king cheetahs back there's 3 distinct black lines, their tails are bushier, the tails are more striped and the spots are fullerthan a normal cheetahs. A king cheetah lives in the same environment and acts the same, they even live and breed with normal cheetahs. There was a debate about whether the king cheetah was a whole separate species, a sub-species, a colour phase and even a cheetah-leopard hybrid as analysts confirmed that a king cheetahs pattern was more leopard like than cheetah, but it is still a cheetah. A king cheetah may even be born to two normal cheetahs if there is a king cheetah in the family (ancestors). If the two parents are king cheetahs it doesn't mean their cubs will definatly be king cheetahs.

Why is lady obama trying to ban mcdonalds and Burger King?

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