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The hyena is a scavenger as well as a hunter it will eat just about any meat that is dead, including an elephant. As a pack hunter the hyena can bring down any different number of the members of the herbivores around its range in Africa. They're skilled killers. The variety of meat in their diet ranges so widely that it isn't even listed in the Wikipedia article on this critter. A link is provided.

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Q: Does the hyena eat elephants and what else does it eat?
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Are elephants scavengers?

Elephants are herbivores. They eat plants. Vultures and Hyena are the most common scavengers.

What else does hyena eat?

they eat you because you type up stupid questions

Do African elephants have predators?

lions,men,and hyena's

What animal will kill and eat a hyena?

lions will kill and eat a hyena

What do hyena's eat?

Hyena's are scavengers.That means they eat meat that was left by other animals.

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Elephants do not eat giraffes because elephants do not eat meat. Elephants are herbivores.

How does a shark eat a hyena?

The Hyena gets to close to the water!

Why does the mom hyena have to keep the dad hyena away from the baby hyena?

the dad hyena well eat the baby hyenas

Do elephants eat anything else rather than plants?

Grass, Other animals accidants

Do hyenas eat rabbits in the wild?

Probably. There's not much hyenas don't eat. A single male Spotted Hyena is capable of running down and killing a bull wildebeest. It's conceivable that two or three hyenas could take down a rhino.

Why does the mom hyena have to keep the dad away from the baby hyena?

the dad hyena well eat the baby hyenas

What do Hyena do?

Hyena's are scavengers.That means they eat meat that was left by other animals.