The best answer in the entire world is that the setting is in Willow Bunch. Where magical rainbows spring from the waters and ponies have horns on their head. OKOKOKOOK.
ponies ponies ponies ponies x5 gigi pricsilla angel mr snoodle ponies ponies ponies poniesx3 tune from begginning
The collective noun for ponies is a string of ponies. A string of ponies is traditional for a group of ponies owned or bred, usually for a particular purpose. That collective doesn't apply to all situations where there may be a group of ponies. Random groups of ponies could be found in many situations, a corral of ponies, a parade of ponies, a family of ponies; or even more fanciful, a pile of ponies, a party of ponies, or a plethora of ponies.
Unicorns live forever. they can be killed, but their horns give them a unique power of magic
The possessive form of the plural noun ponies is ponies'.Example: The ponies' owner feeds them a special diet
The collective noun for ponies is a string of ponies. A string of ponies is traditional for a group of ponies owned or bred for a particular purpose. That collective doesn't apply to all situations where there may be a group of ponies. The general collective noun is a herd of ponies.
wild ponies are called... WILD PONIES-Dah!
They are ponies!
Sure. I ride ponies, and even small adults can ride ponies
The answer is ponies' because it's already plural.
RosMel ponies are talented, beautiful ponies that win at Pony Finals!
Ponies temperature