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No one can really say other than the writers who create them, as it has never happened; werewolves do not exist.

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Q: Does p shifting into a werewolf hurt?
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Does it hurt to turn into a werewolf?

Most stories depict the transformation into a werewolf as a painful process due to bones and muscles shifting and growing. This is typically portrayed as a traumatic experience for the individual undergoing the change.

Does it hurt bad when you transfrom into a werewolf?

Werewolves are fictional/mythological.

How do you become a werewolf in Fantasy Life 1.22 b5 map for warcraft 3?

when the werewolf bait you you will be converted every night but you dont control the werewolf :p

Does turning into a werewolf hurt?

Yes it is depicted as painful in movies, but they are not real.

Why edward thinks Jacob can hurt Bella?

Probably Jacob is a werewolf, but Jacob loves Bella he wouldn't hurt her.

When did Edward P. Hurt die?

Edward P. Hurt died on 1989-03-24.

When was Edward P. Hurt born?

Edward P. Hurt was born on 1900-02-12.

What can you do if the braces hurt?

Not much. Braces will hurt because of the shifting of teeth. Your orthodontist may recommend bonjella to bring down the swelling.

Why do shots hurt?

Shots do not hurt silly :P

Why does Jacob hurt Bella in new moon?

When Jacob finds out he is a werewolf, we has to say away from Bella for a while, so Bella was hurt that she was all alone.

What is a werewolf mixed with a vampire?

A mix of a werewolf and a vampire is known as a hybrid. I've researched and this mix is known as a hybrid vampire.

Does getting a hip tattoo hurt?

<P> <P>All tattos hurt, it is similar to being burnt by a cigarette, but not quite as painful.</P>