Between the a and the a in Veronicas
The word monkey is a common singular noun. It requires no apostrophe.The monkey liked his food.If the word monkey has a possession or belonging, it needs an apostrophe.The monkey's food sat uneaten.The plural is monkeys; plural possessive is monkeys', such as monkeys' food.
Not if you're talking about more than one monkey. You use an apostrophe to make a noun possessive. The monkey's behavior is odd, for example.
No. A spider is a spider and an apostrophe is an apostrophe.
you've is the apostrophe of you have
The apostrophe for "they had" is "they'd".
No, your doesn't have an apostrophe. You're, however, does have an apostrophe because it's a contraction for you and are.
This is an apostrophe.( ' )
At the chemical equilibeium, rate of forward reaction is same as that of backward reaction. Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys
No, taste doesn't have an apostrophe.
you dont use an apostrophe in will not
An apostrophe is not required.