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Never give human pills to dogs. Check with your Veterinarian before giving your dog any medication made for humans or better yet, take your dog in to see your Veterinarian if you feel your pet needs something. NEVER give advil to your dog. You can give buffered aspirin and that is about it.

1st Answer:

they can but only like advil, and only if the vet says its ok.

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Q: Does human pills work on dogs?
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Dogs that do this are usually missing something from their diet. Like certain minerals. If the pills are suppliments I would think they would work. Find out what the pills are made out of before you feed them to you dog.

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Surprisingly, human birth control pills do work on some animals. Some of the animals are gorillas, bonobo, orangutan, and lar gibbon.

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You could cut a small dogs nails with human nail clippers. Larger dogs nails would not fit inside the clipper so it wouldn't work. It is better to buy a set of clippers made for dogs though. They are made specifically for dogs nails and will work better.

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It would be best to talk to your veterinarian about this - many human drugs and pills are not safe for dogs. However, cranberry pills are not proven effective at mitigating bladder problems in humans either, so the odds these will help your dog is minimal at best.

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Pills prescribed by a veterinarian. Dogs cannot take many of the medicines that people can take, See a vet.

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no no whoever does that stop i am a lover for dogs so don't do that

Can you give your 70 lb dog a 10 mg flexeril?

Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! that is not isay not for dogs you ask your vet to tell you what to give your dog but dont give it human pills

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There are many conflicting opinions on whether herbal breast enlargement pills even work. Even if they do it is far from certain that they are safe for human consumption. Herbal breast enlargement pills are not recommended by most doctors.

Why don't dogs like pills?

Because their noses are so strong, they can smell the difference in chemicals in the pills, causing them to think before they chew. because pills have so many different ingredients, they have an odd stink to them that only dogs can smell.

Do human birth pills works on female gorillas?

I dont think so why do you think they are called HUMAN female birth pills?