

Does hair carry diseases

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Does hair carry diseases
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Does human hair carry diseases?

Your hair carries the same kinds of bacteria (and fungi) as you skin does. These can cause diseases.

What animals carry most disease?

All animals carry disease. Some carry a greater variety, some only carry a few, some carry potentially fatal diseases, some only carry somethnig that'll give you muscle cramps & a slight fever.

Do men or women carry diseases?

Both can carry many different kinds of diseases.

Do baby raccoons carry diseases?

No, new born raccoons do not normally carry diseases but they can contract diseases from the mother after birth.

Are mosquitoes born with diseases?

That is a good question! Mosquitoes do not die from the diseases they carry. Otherwise the would not get chance to transmit the diseases they carry.

How many diseases can one mosquito carry?

mosquito can't carry any diseases it can carry only the blood from one to other

What disease do bees carry?

Bees don't carry any diseases that are harmful to humans but they can carry diseases that are harmful to other bees.

What diseases do goats carry?

There are several diseases that goats may carry and spread to humans. A few of the diseases are Leptospirosis, Q fever, and Cryptosporidia.

Do wombats carry diseases?

No. At most, they carry ticks.

Do moles carry diseases?

Moles? Any type of animal carries diseases. Moles carries different types of diseases though. But, they wont carry diseases like H1N1 disease.

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the diseases that dragonflies carry are: vomits,blood,bacteria or parasites,saliva and way more............

Is there a type of hedgehog that does not carry diseases?

I really want a pet hedgehog, but my mom won't let me because they carry diseases. I want to know if there is a kind of hedgehog that does not carry any diseases at all. Is there one?