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Not really, It depends on which alopecia you are suffering from. Alopecia Areata Totallis would describe to the loss of hair throughout the scalp meanwhile Alopecia Areata Universalis refers to loss of hair throughout the body. Source

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Q: Does everyone with alopecia areata lose all their hair?
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What is alopecia?

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes your hair to come out, often in clumps the size and shape of a quarter. The amount of hair loss is different in everyone. Some people lose it only in a few spots. Others lose a lot. Sometimes, hair grows back but falls out again later. In others, hair grows back for good. There are different types of this condition. Alopecia areata is most common in its main form, but there are other, more rare types: Alopecia areata totalis means you’ve lost all the hair on your head. Alopecia areata universalis is the loss of hair over your entire body. Diffuse alopecia areata is a sudden thinning of your hair rather than lost patches. Ophiasis alopecia areata causes hair loss in a band shape around the sides and back of your head.

I was diagnosed with alopecia areata when I was pregnant with my son and now think I am pregnant what are the chances of alopecia returning?

Honestly it is impossible to predict. I have alopecia areata as well and have for many many years. It is true that pregnancy can affect autoimmune disorders to some extent- some experience regrowth during pregnancy only to lose the hair again after giving birth. Your case is opposite, but I'd guess there is a chance you can expect a recurrence while pregnant again assuming your initial diagnosis was correct. After all, if you do have Alopecia Areata, it is only in remission when you have full hair, not cured. Good luck, and congrats!

What is alapeshia?

I think you mean "alopecia". It means when you lose hair from your head or body.

What could be wrong if a 17-year-old started losing their hair a year ago and it grew back but is starting to fall out again and it's not alopecia?

I started to lose my hair last year. The doctor told me that stress is the cause of it. I wish that person all the best of luck in the world. Just be sure to tell them that hair does not make them. Good luck and God Bless:) ANSWER that is alopecia, alopecia is hairloss not a disease that causes hair loss. there are several different types of alopecia, and its named appropriately depending on the extent of the hairloss, ie alopecia areata is some male like bald patches, alopecia universalis-total and all body hair loss etc and most of them dont seem to have any specific cause, but of course lacking in nutrients etc can always be a culprit of any sudden body changes go to the doctor they can help you discover which it is. f4

What condition could make you lose all your hair on your abdomen and chest?

This is a form of alopecia . I do not know if there is any current treatment for this . Please consult your doctor , as this may be another condition or the onset of alopecia totalis, in which ALL hair is lost .

How do people lose hair?

There many ways in which a person may lose their hair. Drugs that treat cancer, such as chemotherapy is a big reason why many lose their hair. Other factors include pattern baldness, shaving one's head, alopecia, trichtillomania, and brain surgery.

How do people lose their hair?

There many ways in which a person may lose their hair. Drugs that treat cancer, such as chemotherapy is a big reason why many lose their hair. Other factors include pattern baldness, shaving one's head, alopecia, trichtillomania, and brain surgery.

Can you lose hair without stress?

Things which cause hairloss, but not not include "stress" are: alopecia, male-pattern balding, chemotherapy treatment, illness, and anemia. So yes, you can lose hair without the cause being stress-related.

Why is there a falling hair if you use shampoo everyday?

It is normal for everyone to lose around 100 strands of hair every day.

How much hair growth can I get if I wear sew in weaves for a year?

If you're trying to grow your hair out, you actually shouldn't wear weaves because they damage hair. It's called traction alopecia and is seen a lot in women who wear sew in weaves while trying to grow their hair. It can even make you lose some hair.

How much hair does a person?

Everyone one is different. Like i could lose 30 pieces of hair one day and 5 the next and you could lose 31 and 7 the next.

I'm thirteen year old guy and have long shoulder length hair and you lose a lot of hair HELP?

you may have alopecia so go to a doctori think i exagerated a bit iment to say that i sort of shed like a dog thanks for awnsering though :)