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Descenting a ferret is to remove the anal sacs by a surgical procedure. Anal sacs are musk-producing glands on either side of the anal opening. Descenting does not change the ferrets body odor which is produced by skin secretions

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Q: Does descenting a ferret work
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How is a ferret?

The vet needs to physically remove its scent glands. It's an unnecessary procedure, but Marshalls, and many other large breeders do it anyway to appeal to a grander public. In Europe, descenting is considered cruel and unusual, and is often illegal. Descenting is a surgical procedure performed by veterinarians, to remove the anal sacs, which are musk-producing glands on either side of the anal opening.

How much does it cost to have a ferret descented?

The price varies with different veterinarians. You will have to contact your local vet to learn the actual price. Please keep in mind that descenting a ferret is completely unnecessary. The musky smell associated with ferrets does not come from the scent glands and removing them rarely lessens the odor. In Europe, descenting is considered cruel and unusual, and is often illegal.

How is a ferret descented?

The vet needs to physically remove its scent glands. It's an unnecessary procedure, but Marshalls, and many other large breeders do it anyway to appeal to a grander public. In Europe, descenting is considered cruel and unusual, and is often illegal. Descenting is a surgical procedure performed by veterinarians, to remove the anal sacs, which are musk-producing glands on either side of the anal opening.

How do you get rid of a ferret's sweat glands for good the stink that they have I am wanting to adopt one?

Most reputable breeders will already have the ferret descented (it's not really a sweat gland that makes the stink, they are closely related to skunks and spray if not descented) and spayed or nutered before selling. If not, I would seriously question how reputable tyhe breeder is. There will always be a 'skunky' scent, even after descenting. Spayed, descented females have the least stink, and it can be lessened further with regular bathing using a special ferret shampoo.

Do noscratch ferret boots work?

Yes of coarse!

Where did Bernard Arnault work first?


What is the difference between getting a kit and adult ferret?

A baby ferret is a lot of work, they will need a lot of training and attention. They are very hyper. An adult ferret will be more laid back and should be properly socialized and trained.

Why would anybody want to have a ferret as a domestic pet?

Well many people with the time to keep a high matnence pet. Many people have proved ferrets as interesting creatures but if you work a lot i do not suggest a ferret. If you can't smell very well ( or not at all ) and you do not work much again ( or you don't work ) ii suggest a ferret would be as easy to take care of as eating your grandmother soft, warm cookies. Owning a pet ferret can cost more than a $1,000.

What is a ferret kit?

A Ferret kit is a baby Ferret.

Should you get a baby ferret or an older ferret?

A baby ferret requires a lot of attention and training, plus they are very active. An older ferret should already have training and not as active as they tend to sleep more. If you've never owned a ferret before, I would recommend getting an older, trained one. Bite and housetraining a ferret takes quite a bit of work and dedication and can be challenging for a first time ferret owner. You can find young ferrets up for adoption that have received the proper training from the shelter.

Do old and young ferrets get along?

From personal experience - young ferrets are too hyper for older ferrets. Advice from another contributor: Well that depends. Is the young ferret calm and quiet or hyper and loud. is it nice or mean? If the ferret is nice calm and quiet as long as the old ferret isn't mean they should get along fine. is you have a hyper ferret and an old ferret well it could work.

Who is ferret face in zoo-break by Gordon korman?

In "Zoo Break" by Gordon Korman, Ferret Face is a character who is part of a group of kids that work together to solve a mystery involving stolen exotic animals from a zoo. Ferret Face is known for his nickname due to his sharp, weasel-like features.