It can do if you're silly enough to sit in the cold.
It is possible to freeze to death if the body is too cold. Your organs need to be at a steady temperature to work effectively. Being in freezing cold locations without the proper clothing can disrupt organs.
There are also some viruses that thrive in the cold, such as the common cold and some strains of flu viruses. Depending on your immune system, these could kill you if you are a weak person.
If you properly wrap up warmly and take precautions such as vaccines, you should be fine. Eskimos live their whole life in the freezing cold because they keep warm properly.
Your parakeet may be cold or sick. If it is cold, you may have it too close to air conditioning or something that has cold drafts. If you get your parakeet wet enough and don't dry it, it could catch a chill and die. Sometimes they are simply nervous and will sit and puff out their feathers. You should take it to a veterinarian to make sure it is not sick.
he/she would get sick, freeze to death, or just plain die... <3
It keeps you from getting cold. You can die from being too cold, but you can die from being too hot also. Humans are frail.
Like people, kangaroos can get sick if they get wet and cold, but it not always the case.
Yes, chickens can die in many ways. They can be injured, eaten by other animals, extreme hot or cold weather conditions, old age, lack of care, or toxins to name a few.
yes, you can also die from cigarettes.
Yes, you can.
It depends. Did stay out in the cold for too long? If it did it will hatch but maybe become sick or die in the egg
to help sick people and don't make them die
It depends on the coditions look at there health records
No, strawberries cannot make a dog sick but don't give them to much