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The Proboscis Monkey migrates. But only short distances, and that only to move to uncontested territories for food.

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do monkeys hibernate or migrate

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Do monkeys migrate or hibernate?

A monkey does not migrate or hibernate. Most monkeys live in a warm, comfortable environment and sleeps normal times everyday.

Do spider monkey migrate?

no spider monkeys do not hibernate because they live in warm places

Do any whales migrate?

Yes many whales migrate. It is a scientifically proven fact.

How do you Eat a monkey with onions?

There are not any American recipes for monkey. Monkey is not a food that is commonly consumed by humans.

Any adaptation that help you migrate?

Lack of food (for one) will make people migrate. Also, weather or temperature will make people migrate.

What is a female monkey called in French?

The female of the monkey is called "guenon" in French. The monkey - as a species, or any monkey when its gender is not relevant - is called "singe".

Can you migrate Pokemon from sapphire to platinum?

yes you can migrate from any of the emerald Sapphire and the other on to platinum

Is the spider monkey domesticated?

No more so than any other monkey.

Can you own a monkey in Iowa?

Yes, you can own a monkey in Iowa, and it does not have any special requirements!

What is the difference between life of monkey in the jungle and in the zoo?

we people came from the homosapien (monkey) family. As we have feelings they also have. When we have the liberty we feel happy and can go anywhere(migrate) we want. Monkey in the jungle are free but unfortunately for those in the zoo are kept prison and is not free for anythings. if they want to go for a hotter climate its not possible.

What is a monkey's Genus?

The classification of a "monkey" can refer to any one of five animal Families, so there are multiple genera for "monkey" animals.

Do pitbulls migrate or hibernate?

pitbulls are a dog breed. They dont migrate or hibernate.