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Q: Does a taxi driver have to carry a bale of hay?
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What country are Taxi cabs a required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk?


Why are taxi cabs in Australia required to carry a bale of hay?

Taxis in Australia are NOT required to carry a bale of hay, and it is very unlikely that any of them do.

What is collection of hay called?

It is called a bale of hay.

How much is a bale of hay in Missouri?

The price of a bale of hay will vary according to the type of hay, the size of the bale and where you purchase it from. Hay can range from $5.00 and upwards depending on those factors.

Is a bushel of hay equal to a bail of hay?

No, a bushel of hay is not equal to one bale of hay. There is approximately twenty bales of hay in one bushel or string bale or hay.

What is collective nouns bale used for?

The collective noun for chairs is a set of chairs. The noun bale is a collective noun for a bale of cotton or a bale of hay.

What is a unit of hay called?

A unit of hay is typically called a bale. Hay bales are often rectangular or cylindrical in shape and are used for feeding livestock and other animals.

What is a container of hay called?

It is called a bail of hay. ANswer Hay bale.

How do you decorate a round hay bale?

There are many ways one can decorate a round bale of hay. During the Halloween season, the bale can be painted orange and a face painted on the end of the bale.

What do you call a stack of straw?

A pile of hay may be called a :haystackhaymowhayrickhaycockhay-pilehay stookhay bale

What is a homophone for the word bail?

A homophone for the word "bail" is "bale."

How do you use bale in a sentence?

She gave him a baleful look that scared him.