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Depends on the sprain or break. If it's a minor break it may be confused with a sprain (like mine was), and if it's a very bad sprain you may confuse it for a break until you get an X ray

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Q: Does a sprained ankle hurt more than a broken ankle?
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If your ankle is broken would it hurt and burn?

It would probably hurt more than it would burn.

How can you tell the difference between a sprained and twisted ankle?

There is no difference. A sprained ankle can also be known as an ankle sprain, twisted ankle, rolled ankle, ankle ligament injury, or ankle injury. It's when one or more ligaments are torn or partially torn where they are connected to your ankle bone.

I just hurted my ankle bone it hurts so bad. My clinic doctor said it wasn't broken Why does it still hurt?

if you have sprained or rolled your ankle, it is going to hurt. alot. when i sprained mine it hurt for so long after and i was crying for the rest of the day. a sprain is actually worse than a break, because it hurts more. bones are not connected to any nerves and if it's a break, it will hurt for a bit after the injury has occurred, maybe 10 minutes after, however a sprain means that the ligaments are stretched and need to be shrunk back, meaning of course it is going to hurt more. the best thing you can do is RICE, and hire crutches. DO NOT DO SPORT FOR A FEW WEEKS!

How do you know if you broke or sprained your thumb?

If you can't move it, and it's very swollen, it's probably broken. If you can move it, but it hurts every time someone touches it, or something rubs against it, its sprained.sprained is rare.... like... I didnt even know that it was possible. But Fractured, hurts like hell, and it makes ur finger turn colors

What happens when you roll your ankle?

It stretches the muscles and ligaments in the ankle, and is VERY painful. It may hurt for a few minutes, or if serious can create a sprained ankle. Stay off it as much as possible, keep your shoes on, and watch out for it happening again. Once stretched, it's much more likely to happen again until it heals.

What happens when you roll your ankle inward?

It stretches the muscles and ligaments in the ankle, and is VERY painful. It may hurt for a few minutes, or if serious can create a sprained ankle. Stay off it as much as possible, keep your shoes on, and watch out for it happening again. Once stretched, it's much more likely to happen again until it heals.

How long after ankle sprain before swelling?

I sprained mine heelflipping over my sidewalk. It'll hurt for about a week, and you shouldn't get on a board for at least 3 weeks, just to be safe. After that, you'll have to judge for yourself, and take it slow for awhile until you're sure that your ankle can handle the stress of skateboarding again.

What might happen if you snapped or tore one of your ligaments?

It would hurt like heck, for one thing. A torn ligament or tendon can hurt worse than a broken bone, which is why a sprained ankle sometimes gives you more trouble than a broken arm. Ligaments and tendons also don't heal back well, and the area will always give you trouble and may develop arthritis as you grow older.

How Long does a sprained or broken ankle usually take to heal?

It depends on the where you break or sprain a body part breaking of the leg or arm hurts more than a sprain but a sprain on an ankle wrist or fingers and toes is typically more painful than a break, Yes a break is more severe but a sprain can often cause more pain

Does a sprained ankle mean something to do with a bruised bone?

A sprained ankle occurs when the ligaments are stretched or torn, while a bruised bone is when the bone itself is injured. They are two separate injuries that can happen independently of each other, though they can sometimes occur together in more severe ankle injuries.

How do you know if your horse hurt an ankle?

Signs that your horse may have hurt an ankle include lameness (limping), swelling, heat, sensitivity to touch, and reluctance to bear weight on the affected leg. It's important to have a veterinarian assess the injury to determine the extent of damage and provide appropriate treatment.

Can you take cyclobenzaprine for a sprained ankle?

Cyclobenzaprine is a muscle relaxant that can help relieve muscle spasms and tightness associated with muscle strains and injuries, including a sprained ankle. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medication to ensure it is appropriate for your specific situation and to determine the correct dosage.