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to climb up snow mountain

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Q: Does a mountain lion have big paws like snow shoes?
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Related questions

What are some unique features of a mountain lion?

They have large paws used for hunting.

How many paws does a lion have?

A lion has four paws - one on each foot.

What does a lion use its paws for?

A lion uses it`s paws to pull down it`s prey and hold it still while they are killing it.

What are lion's feet called?


Do golden lion tamarins have paws?


What are the release dates for Lion Paws and Lady Fingers - 1920?

Lion Paws and Lady Fingers - 1920 was released on: USA: 26 April 1920

Why is a lion classified as an animal?

cause it has paws

Other stylish names for lion?

a good name for the webkinz lion is paws

How do hawks eat their prey?

A mountain lion eats a porcupine by first somehow flipping it over. Then, it pins it down with its paws and bites and twists to kill the porcupine. Then, since their is no resistance, the mountain lion enjoys a nice little scack

What is a mountain lions shape?

mountain lions are the fourth largest in the cat family the weight of an average male are of 62 kg and female of 42 kg the head of this cat is round and ears erect its powerful forequarters, neck, jaw serve to grasp and hold large prey. it has five retractable claws on its fore paw and four on its hind paws the larger front feet and claw are adaptations to clutching prey. they don not have any spots on the body but their cubs have.the mountain lion can be almost large as jaguar but less muscular not powerfully has 2 inches claws and canine

What body parts of lion are used to get food?

their paws

What body parts of lion use to get food?

their paws