What do you mean "a cattle head?" Are you trying to say "head of cattle"? If you are, one head of cattle is just a way of counting the number of "heads" or cattle in a herd. One head = 1 cow or cattlebeast or animal or whatever you want to call them. However, if you're asking what is a cattle head, then here's the answer as far as I can answer it: a cattle head could be one to two things--a head of a prized cow, steer or bull that is mounted on the wall after its counterpart passed on, particularly if this head is of a Texas Longhorn that had an amazingly large rack. The second thing could be what I mentioned above.
They're one and the same, there's no difference between "cattle meat" and "cow meat." Cow and/or cattle meat is called Beef, regardless what class or type of bovine it came from.
The name that is applied to meat that comes from a cattle that is over one year old is "beef."
There is only one in a head of cattle, each animal is one head. This word applies to the counting of critters, ducks, chickens, horses, sheep etc., even people. The word head is a variable here and does not stand for any particular number. the word cattle is plural so the grammar here is off. One you would not ask in this manner. Change the word to "herd and I would answer at least 3.
In 33 head, there are 33 cattle. Each "head" refers to one animal, so if there are 33 heads, there are 33 cattle.
Cattle is a plural noun, referring to more than one. There is no particular word for a single bovine animal.If you wanted to refer to one animal and still use the term cattle you could say one head of cattle, but even head has a connotation of more than one. The usual method is just to call the animal by its name: cow, bull, bullock, steer, heifer, calf, or so forth.
A cow that is specifically used by farmers for producing milk that they sell. Dairy farming is just one type of cattle farming. Different types of farmers use different types of cattle for their farms.
A bull is a male cattle. A female cattle is called a cow. So, yes, bulls can only be one gender - male.
The term "head of cattle" refers to an individual animal within a group or herd of cattle. It is a common unit of measurement used to count or estimate the size of a cattle herd. Each animal counts as one "head" in this context.
If you are looking for a cattle Breed, than there is many options.AngusHerefordBrahmanRed AngusShorthornBeefmasterAnd Many More!
One disease of cattle caused by a prion is BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) aka Mad Cow Disease
1 cow