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no it just means that they're different breeds

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Q: Does a guinea pig change colors?
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What if your guinea pig is changing colors?

as guinea pigs grow older they usually change colours because their skin and fur stretches. it is perfectly normal

What kind of color are of guinea pig?

Colors Vary

How many alleles for hair colour are in eachcell of a guinea pig?

There are many diffrent colors of a guinea pig. Some include:BlackWhiteBrownCarmelpeanutbuttergrayI think that's most of the common colors!

What are the colors that an American guinea pig comes in?

guinea pigs can come in many colors, white, black, brown, orange, or mixed.

How do you pronounce guinea pig?

It is spelled "guinea pig". You got it right! :)

Can ants come out of guinea pig hay?

They can, but they shouldn't. If your guinea pig hay has ants coming out of it, it's long past time to change the hay.

What is the phenotype of a black guinea pig and a white guinea pig?

A black guinea pig would have a black coat color, while a white guinea pig would have a white coat color. Color variation in guinea pigs is due to different alleles of the gene controlling coat color, resulting in different phenotypes.

What type of guinea pig do you have?

I don't have a guinea pig.

Which is better a guinea pig or parrot?

guinea pig

Who made guinea pig?

Guinea pig's parents:)

What is the common name for a guinea pig?

A Guinea Pig..

What colors can a guinea pig see?

Guinea pigs can see a range of colors, but they are believed to be most sensitive to green and blue shades. They have dichromatic vision, meaning they can see a limited spectrum of colors compared to humans. Their vision is best suited for detecting movement and shapes rather than colors.