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No. Every dog has an individual personality just like you or me.

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Q: Does a dog reflect its owner personality?
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Are Jack Russell dogs born with an aggressive personality?

no i have to add to this answer because NO!! dog is born with an aggressive personality! it is how the owner decides to bring the dog up which depends on the personality!

How do dogs get their personality?

They get their personalities from either their owner(s) or even from being reincarnated like i think my dog was

Are dogs more loving towards their owners than cats?

It all depends on the animals personality and the way that the owner treats him. Of course if the owner is abusive the cat and dog will choose to be scared of their owner. If the owner treats their cat or treats their dog with love then the pet will choose to love the owner.

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Is an American Eskimo Dog very affectionate?

They can be, yes. However, American Eskimo Dogs have a very dominant personality. This can make it hard for an inexperienced or submissive owner to have a well behaving or affectionate dog.

What is a dog owner called?

A dog owner is commonly referred to as a "pet parent" or simply as a "dog owner."

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Does numerology really reflect a persons personality?

no, usually numerology never reflects one's personality

What is Cerberus's personality?

The personality of a dog. Really!

What does dog you out mean?

When the owner say "Dog you out" they want the dog to go outside, or out of the room that they are not supose to be in or the owner is in there and does not want the dog in that room. That is why the owner or someone will say "Dog you out"

Can you sue someones dog?

The dog owner is responsible for his dog so you can sue the owner

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The name did not match his personality. His personality was one of bravery and his name did not properly reflect attributes relative to his personality.