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It could be, yes. Some cats, however, do this frequently for various reasons.

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Q: Does a cat in heat drag their back end?
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How do you help your cat he has a bite on his back end and he will not let you see it.?

How can I help my cat if he won't let me see whats wrong with him. He has a bite on his back end above tail.

If a cat is in heat and gets impregnated can it still display behavior of being in heat for 5 or 6 days after mating?

A cat will usually end its "heat" cycle a few days after being inpregnant, use. It's not always an instant stop to the heat cycle.

What is a cat showing when its back is arched and hair standing on end?

Its trying to intimidate its enemy

Why does your cats back end quiver when he kneads?

Becasue of force, my cat scratched carpet, got caught in a string, ( it was funny ) and its back end quivers, cause all the force goes to the end.

What does a cat do in heat?

A cat in heat will become much more affectionate with everything she comes across, she will howl an call day and night and will attempt to escape outside at every opportunity she sees in order to find a mate. She will often present her rear end and keep the front half of her body close to the ground, and tread with her back feet. Females cats in heat will also spray vertical surfaces in the house in order to attract a mate.

In jacks run does jack go back to elko?

Yes, I think cause he is talking to cat at the end.

What causes the appearance of ripples on a cat's back?

The appearance of ripples on a cat's back is typically caused by a reflex reaction known as piloerection, where the cat's hair stands on end due to fear, excitement, or feeling threatened. This reaction is triggered by the cat's nervous system and is a natural response to certain stimuli.

How does the anime black cat end?

black cat end happy

How does lowering back pressure affect the efficiency of the car?

Having a lower back end will cause your vehicle to tilt up in the front, causing drag. so lower back pressure will cause loss in Fuel efficiency.

How does a cat's fur appear when it is rippling back in response to a perceived threat or excitement?

When a cat's fur is rippling back in response to a perceived threat or excitement, it appears raised and bristled. This reaction is known as piloerection, where the fur stands on end, making the cat appear larger and more intimidating.

What are words that end with the letter T?

that, mat, cat, sat, flat, hat, meat, great, seat, heat, and whatever words ryhm with those.

Is there any other way of removing s cat on heat besides spaying a female?

Female cats go into heat at the end of their estrus cycle (the feline equivalent of a human female menstrual cycle). When a female cat is spayed they undergo a hysterectomy essentially where the uterus is removed. So to answer the question, no, the only way to stop a female cat from going into heat is to have her spayed.