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If you train them to be quiet then I think they won't distract you.

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Q: Does a Dog distract you from your studies?
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Can you pet service dogs?

NO. It can distract the service dog and put the handler at risk of injury or even death! Never distract a service dog.

What is a sentence with distract?

The noise outside the classroom can distract students from their studies.

In Lightning Thief who did Annabeth distract?

Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the underworld.

Should your dog be restrained in a car?

The dog should be transported in a way that it does not have the opportunity to distract the driver. This may mean restraining the dog, or it could mean putting a dog guard between the driver's area and the area where the dog is.

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Some studies show that certain television programs do more harm than good to students. Some television programs distract students from their studies.

How to teach your dog not to beg?

Four ways to teach your dog not to beg are to feed the dog at dinner time, to distract the dog with another activity while eating, walk the dog before dinner time and to keep the dog in a separate room while eating.

Does watching television distract you from your studies?

If you do not attck you television with education you will never learn to other words, throw out your tv to better educate yourself.

How can a puppy be corrected of jealousy with an older dog?

A puppy can get jealous of an older dog but dont worry there can be a way like make the puppy be happy with somthing and distract them by somthing that will make them happy and not the older dog jealous.

How do i Take bone from a dog?

Removing bones from a dog is not recommended as it could be harmful and painful for the dog. If you suspect a dog has swallowed a bone or is choking on one, seek veterinary help immediately.

What is good music to play while doing homework?

Soft, instrumental music according to all the scientific studies - anything with loud beats or vocals is going to distract you from working.

What is the latin word for distract?

Distrahere - to distract

What is another word for distract?

Another word for distract is Perturb.