because young dogs learn better than the old dogs and it is always good for dogs 2 learn young
Yes, a young dog can learn from an older dog. the young dog does not have to be young. just younger than the older dog.
There are more humans than dogs.
It all depends on how much the breeder/kennel charges for the dog. Some dogs are worth more than others, younger dogs are worth more than older dogs, and prettier/cuter dogs are worth more than the more average dogs.
Cats are able to tend to their own needs when grooming is needed, so they could be considered to have less bacteria than dogs. Most cats are also indoor pets and never go outside (they use a litter box in the house) where dogs must go outside for their daily business.
Typically, a dog's mouth has more bacteria than a human's mouth. Dogs have different oral bacteria species due to their different diets and habits, but it's important to note that not all bacteria are harmful. Good oral hygiene practices for both dogs and humans can help maintain a healthy mouth microbiome.
because dogs have a special bacteria that cleans the mouth for them and also the nutrients in bones
There are more than 250 kinds of dogs
I think a responible owner could own more than two dogs.
One of the obvious contrasts between dogs and cats is that cats are much more independent than dogs. Dogs are more codependent, which results in them being slightly more needy but also infinitely more easy to train.