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What some people do is in warmer seasons, they turn their horses out at night during the coolest part of the day. During the colder seasons, they are turned out during the day. More and more people have realized horses are better off being outside all day every day with a run-in shed for shelter.

It can be both

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Q: Do you turn a horse out into pasture in the morning or at night?
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How much would you feed a 15.2 HH horse?

It depends on how much the horse is ridden, and whether or not the horse lives in a pasture, stall, or has limited turn-out.

Where is a horse usually kept during the day?

My horses are kept out in pasture 24/7, as I believe is best for them. Other people turn their horses out at night during the hottest part of the year, and in the day during the coldest.

Do you face a horse when you let it loose in a pasture?

Yes you do stand face to face with the horse with your back to the gate when you turn out (let the horse loose in a field) This is to prevent injury to yourself from an exited horse kicking or bucking as runs off.

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How do keep a horse clean?

You can keep a horse clean by doing mainly two things which would be grooming them and blanketing (only recommended in winter). Or of course you could keep your horse in a stall to keep it from rolling but make sure to turn it out to the pasture every once in a while.

Is there savings turning the thermostat to 45 degrees at night and 70 degrees in the morning on a gas furnace?

Yes this is an energy savings when you turn down the thermostat at night. Yes this is an energy savings when you turn down the thermostat at night.

How much room do you need for 1horse?

The amount of space you need will vary according to several factors; size of the horse, local zoning laws, and how your property is set up.1. Pasture only; If you keep your horse on pasture only you'll likely need 2 acres divided into two 1 acre paddocks so that they can be rotated. If you have miniature horses then 1 acre should be plenty.2. Stabled partially; If you'll keep the horse in a stable for part of the day or night, then you can get away with about 1 acre of pasture so long as it's allowed to rest and is properly maintained. You can also provide a run/ pen off of the stall to allow the horse to go in and out.3. Drylot; If the horse cannot have grass for medical reasons, but you still want to turn the horse out, then a drylot of at least 40 feet by 100 feet is recommended. 40 feet is as narrow as it should get as this allows the horse to get into a gallop and turn at speed. 400 square feet is the minimum square feet per horse, so if you have multiple horses in one drylot you'll need 400 square feet per horse.

Why do the clocks turn forward?

To adjust for the lack of daylight. otherwise it be dark in the morning till 8am and light at night till 10pm

Is a horse lacking something in there feed if they eat other horses tails?

This sounds like a boredom problem. If they are in a stall or small paddock often, turn them out into a larger pasture as much as possible. If they are already out in a large pasture, try getting them some toys, like the Joly Ball, or there are some special horse treats that come in containers that make a horse really have to work to get to the treat. Also, if they don't have 24/7 access to good quality grass hay, if you gave them that it might stop their boredom. If you are really concerned that they are lacking something in their diet, have a person specialized in horse diets and see what they have to say about it.

Can you turn into a dragon at night?

Well you can but you don't remember anything in the morning. You changed to a dragon at night all the time but you never remember it. I hope this answers your question. <3 Your all beautiful Dragon or not!

Does horse feces turn into hay?

No, horse feces does not turn into hay. Horse feces is composted and it turns into horse manure. This is used as a fertilizer.

How do you lead your horse safely from a stall or field?

Walk on the left side of the horse with a halter and a leadrope on it. Put you right hand on the leadrope about a foot from its face and hold the end with you left hand so the horse doesn't trip. Walk at a steady pace and stay up by its head. If the horse pulls or spooks, stop it, talk to it, and then continue walking. Answer Lunge your horse at a walk in a small circle through the gate, then have the horse turn his hindquarters and wait for you to come through the gate after him. Then after closing the opening lead the horse away from the pasture.