Dolphins need to breath air because they are mammals and all mammals breathe oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. This goes to the relation between plants and animals. Plants give us and other animals carbon dioxide, and we give them oxygen which they need to live.
In other, simpler words, animals and dolphins exchange different air molecules to keep each other alive and dolphins are part of this chain.
wht does a dolphin need in its habitat
Without water, any dolphins will not survive.
Dolphins survive in many ways but be specific. Do you mean how they survive from prey or survive in sleep? Dolphins survive from prey by pretending they are dead, or they can swim in schools. Dolphins survive in the water by turning half there brain of when they sleep so they can still see out of one eye.
Pink dolphins need water because they are dolphins.
no because they need to survive with sea water
Dolphins are intelligent to protect themselves from predators and need to be aware of their environment to survive as a species.
They live anywhere where their family is. It's called a pod.
Dolphins are born in water, and never need to look for it. In terms of drinking it, they don't, they get the water they need from eating other fish.
Dolphins are born in water, and never need to look for it. In terms of drinking it, they don't, they get the water they need from eating other fish.
All animals need water to survive.
YES!!! Cells DO need water to survive!
by eating animals that contain freshwater