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Q: Do you clean your kittens ears?
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Related questions

How do kittens hear?

with their ears

At what age do kittens typically learn to clean themselves?

Kittens typically learn to clean themselves around 4 weeks of age.

Are kittens clean animals?

yes,, they are very clean animals x

Why do hamsters get green ears?

you have to clean there ears regualy

There are four more legs than ears in a basket How many kittens are in the basket?

Two. There are four ears and eight legs. Ha.

Why do kittens have ears?

God decided to give them ears, or it's in their DNABecause it's in their genes. The gene that allows an individual to give birth, also impacts the external ear formation. ---- They need ears because they have to develop them for when they get older, when they are meant to be used for hunting. to know if they are been called for tea or to hunt Answer! Kittens have ears because they are animals

How often should you clean your ears?

ears have wax and wax is good so clean them EVERY week

Why do kittiens have ears?

KITTENS HAVE eArS FoR THeM To HeAr AnD WhO WouLd aSk tHaT sTuPiD QuEsTiOnShootingstar: Well, some people would actually like to know!

Why do you clean your ears?

to hear

Ways to take care of ears?

i will clean my ears every day

Can you use hair spray after getting your ears pierced?

Yes and no, yes you can if you clean your ears with a special cleanser after you spray your hair and no if you do not want to take the time to clean your ears.

Why do mom cats lick their kittens?

Mother cats lick their kittens to groom them, stimulate their circulation, and bond with them. This licking also helps to keep the kittens clean and healthy.