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Yes. Wiener dogs are more naturally prone to dandruff.

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4y ago
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8y ago

It all depends on the coat. There is short hair, also called smooth, long hair, and wire hair. While the long hair wiener dogs may shed some, it's nothing too intense. Smooth and wire hair wiener dogs hardly shed at all. I know that some doctors recommend dachshunds to homes that have people with Allergies.
only long haired ones, and even for those, not that much, they're a great dog :D

All dogs shed.

No, short haired dachshunds shed more than long haired. All 3 types of dachshunds (wire haired, short/smooth haired, and long haired) shed.

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12y ago

Sorry they are not because they malt...... but other small dogs like poodles maltese and yorkies are..

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11y ago

It depends on their coat.

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Q: Do wiener dogs have dandruff
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A wiener stick is a skewer-type utensil used for cooking hot dogs.

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beagles are smarter dachshunds

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Werid people.

Can dogs have dandruff?

The puppy will scratch itself more often, just as humans do when they get dandruff. They might bite or scratch at their hair until some starts to fall out, and possibly lead to a bald spot, but other than that, there isn't much else that happens when a puppy gets dandruff. I recommend getting Puppy Dandruff Shampoo to help with the dandruff problem.

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Thed be a chihuahua and wiener dogs!

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Any dog can have a seizure.

Where do wiener dogs sleep?

They sleep where you train or allow them to.

Why do dogs sniff each others wiener?

To find out what sex