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As babies they mainly just have milk. When they grow older they eat fish.

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Yes they do because whales are mammals.

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Q: Do whales nurse their babies
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Who nurses their babies fish or whales?

Whales are mammals like we are and nurse their babies like we do.

How long do killer whale babies drink milk?

Killer whales nurse for at least a year but may nurse up to two years.

Do blue whales have babies?

Yes Blue Whales do have babies

Are nurse whales dangerous?

yes because they try to protect their babies!! ~Pyper Nolan, Myah McKerchie, Alivia LaJoie, Emma Wallis

Do belugas give birth to live young?

All whales give live birth. All whales are mammals.

Do bunnies nurse their babies?

Yes, bunnies nurse their babies.

What is the feature distinguishing the whale as a mammal?

Mammals are warm blooded animals that give live birth to their babies (as opposed to laying eggs) and nurse their babies with milk. Whales meet all 3 criteria.

Does platupuses nurse their babies?

yes,platupuses nurse thier babies

Does shrimp come from whales?

No. Shrimp are a separate animal. Not related to whales. BTW, shrimp are aquatic animals, like fish. Whales are mammals, breath air, give live birth to their babies, whom they nurse with milk. Shrimp do none of those things.

Nurse that cares for babies after birth?

The nurse that takes care of the babies after birth is called a postpartnum nurse.

How do whales have kids?

The babies come from the whales behind

How does humpback whales raise its babies?

Similar way to other whales along with other animals do. They would nurse it until they reach adult hood which for Humpback is close to a year. However, they life in herds and rarely leave each other.