maybe the looking for fish in it or using it to drink out water :)
The collective nouns are a herd of walruses, a huddle of walruses, a pod of walruses.
A walruses have one baby walruses 2-3 years.
Walruses are grey or light brown
walruses have 2 large tusks
walruses have 2 large tusks
Popularity has nothing to do with it. There are no walruses in Antarctica. Walruses are only in the Arctic, North Pole, not South Pole.
Walruses are mammals therefore they are warm blooded.
They did not have to. Walruses do not live in Antarctica.
Ask yourself. Do Man eat walruses? :)
Walruses are living organisms, so yes.
Walruses do not live at the South Pole, or on Antarctica.