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There are no Vampires in India.

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Q: Do vampires exist now in India?
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Do vampires exist in India yes or no?

In India there are no vampires

When were vampires first seen in India?

Vampires DON'T EXIST!What are you, a moron?:)

Do vampires exists in India?

In India yes but what you should know is that Vampires exist cause really I am One.

Do the vampires exist till now?

they used to the first vampire Dracula did exist Vampires do not exist - they only exist in the human imagination.

Do vampires exist now as normal people?

No, vampires are pure fiction.

Do vampires really exist in your world if yes then where can you find them?

I live in India and I'm reading many books about vampires. I think they really exist.

Are Vampires alive right now?

Vampires are fictional creatures, they do not actually exist.

Where are vampires found now in India?

No were, they are not real...

How did vampires exist?

They never did, do not now and never will. They are fictional.

Do vampires exist up to now?

Vampires are mythical (fictional) creatures, and as such, exist only in the minds and fanatasies of those who wish to believe.

How can you say that vampires do not exist?

You could say; "Vampires are non-existent." "There are no real vampires." "Vampires are not real." "Vampires are mythical."

Is there is any vampire now?

Vampires have never been shown to exist.