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i like your momy because she kkool kkool kkool

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Q: Do the black rhino female look different from the male?
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What does th black rhino's future look like?

they have black skin and they smell

What does white rhinos look like?

The white rhino looks similar to a black rhino, but is bigger and more sociable. The term white rhino is actually wide or square-lipped rhinoceros. as its mouth is wide compared to the black rhino's more pointed mouth - it has nothing to do with colour.

How many different types of rhino is there?

There are five species of Rhino. Two, the Black Rhino and the Square-Lipped, or white, Rhino live in Africa. The other three, the Indian, Javan, and Sumatran rhinos live in Asia. The Black, White, and Sumatran Rhinos all have two horns, while the Javan and Indian only have one. The white rhino's second horn, closer to it's eyes, is smaller than its first. The Black rhino feeds primarily on the foliage in forest, including thorned scrub, in the African Savannah. The white Rhino, meanwhile, prefers grazing in the Savannah's grasslands. The three Asian rhinos are also all different in their eating and living habits. However, they tend to feed on bushes and trees, which is how their mouths are developed and capable of doing. They are all solitary and all look very similar. So I guess the total answer is 5.

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do female and male arthropods look different

How do male stingrays and female look different?

they look the same

How do black rhino eat?

we dont know how often they eat so maby you should go and look it up some where elst.

How is a mallard different from a blue winged teel?

Mallards have a distinctive green head, white neck ring, and chestnut-brown breast, while blue-winged teals have a blue and white patch on their wing and a distinctive white crescent near their eyes. Additionally, mallards are larger in size compared to blue-winged teals.

Do male and female black footed ferrets look alike?

The black footed ferret male is always bigger than the female, their coloring is the same.

When do rhino look for food?

on morning

Why does the stigma and the stamen look different?

it look different because it does different jobs and one is male and the other one is female

Do some animals look different from male to female?

yes....look at humans

How can you tell a male flamingos from a female?

No, you can't. Some animals look different, and some don't. They look the same. The only way to tell between a female flamingo, and male flamingo is by... I f you happen to see a flamingo sitting on a nest, or sitting on its egg, then that is a female flamingo. Maybe male flamingos have black marks, and others with no black marks might be hopefully be females.