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Yes, some do. But this is quite exceptional to eat horse meat compared to pork or beef.

Eating horse meat is rather exceptional compared to pork or beef.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Sadly,Yes. Its not uncommon to see a french person eat horse meat

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14y ago

heck yes

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Q: In France do they eat horses?
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Where does could eat a horse originate from?

Where does eating horses originate from? France - They ate Napoleons Calvary

Are horses used for meat?

Horses can eat meat and have been trained to eat meat in high altitude and extremely cold environments. As a matter of fact Shackleton took horses with him to Antarctica.

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all horses can eat hay/grass. all horses can eat hay/grass.

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Horses may eat their afterbirth.

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horses primerily eat grass or hay.

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No horses do not eat monkeys for dinner.

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An Arab can eat anything other breeds of horses eat.

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no horses can't eat silver weed

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Naturally, horses will mostly eat grass and hay.