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Q: Do talking cats exist
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Are saber cats faster than most cats?

Saber cats are extinct which means that they no longer exist

Can you get boils from cats?

No, but you can get an erection if that is what your talking about.

Could cats see ghosts?

No, cats cannot see ghosts as they do not exist. Ghost are just a figure of people's imagination. I repeat GHOSTS DONT EXIST!

When cats go meow what are they doing?

they are talking to you

Do elemental powers exist?

depends what you are talking about

Why do have bodies?

so whatever your talking about can exist

Can talking stones exist?

Nope.... it cant

Can cats really see ghosts?

No -- ghosts don't exist.

How big are purebreeds?

It depends on what you are talking about. Dogs, cats, laboradors, calico cats, they're all different

What were cats for in 2700 bc?

if you are talking about for the ancient civilization the egyptions worshiped cats and had them like pets like we do today and cats hunted for them and there selves and they give cats rewards ect.

What is cat in chinies?

u talking about the Siamese cats right?