Well, Egypt doesn't really have a winter. It has the DRY SEASON and the WET SEASON.And the insects always stay outside in the warmth.
To keep its nuts dry
You put a bunch of jackets and layers on. Get some gloves, earwarmers, and handwarmers, also some blankets. 1. Stay Dry 2. Layers
In winter, people stay indoors with the heat on. This dries out the air around us and also dries out our skin. It's important to drink plenty of water in winter, as well as use lotions and creams to hydrate your skin.
The sir is dry
All deserts are dry, that is why they are called deserts. All deserts can get below freezing but rarely stay below freezing for more than a few hours. However, cold deserts can get bitterly cold in the winter and stay that way for days.
They have fur that is so thick that the water doesn't meet the skin. When they come out, they would simply shake themselves dry like a dog would.
To get rid of dry winter itch, put on thick lotion after you shower or bathe to lock in the moisture
In the winter time your skin does dry out due to not being able to not get any sunlight on it.
In the winter, the desert can be extremely cold and dry.