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Seals eat fish. If sardines are where a seal could get them, they would- but would rather have larger fish.

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No they do not

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Q: Do seals eat tuna fish
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What do fur seal's eat?

Fur seals eat fishes, squid, krill and tuna.

What do tuna fish eat?

Tuna fish eat other fish, squid, shellfish, and plankton. no, tuna fish do not eat seaweed. no poop

What do tuna eat?

Tuna are predatory and eat meat such as other fish and invertebrates.

Do great whites eat tuna fish?

Great white sharks eat anything they can catch. That includes any sort of fish, seals, penguins, turtles, and even garbage.

What do great whight sharks eat?

fish, tuna, rays, other sharks, dolphines, porpoises, seals, sea lions

Do tuna eat carnivorous fish?

Tuna eats small fish which eat zooplankton.

Are tuna fish filter feeders?

Tuna fish are not filter feeders. Tuna usually eat surface fish, or even lancetfish. They may also eat other tuna.

Do tuna eat cuttlefish?

Yes, tuna fish do eat cuttlefish.

Why do tuna fish eat smaller fish?

The tuna is a carnivore. It must eat to survive, and it eats other fish because it cannot eat plants.

Do whales eat walruses?

Yes, orcas (killer whales), false killer whales, pilot whales, bottlenose whales, bottlenose dolphins, and marlins eat tuna fish. Also,sperm whalesand sharks occasionally eat tuna fish but they tend to be too slow to catch up to tuna fish in most situations. The giant, filter-feeding whales and sharks can only eat small fish (usually not small tuna fish) and other small creatures in the ocean.

Do sharks eat large fish?

Yes, great white sharks are known to eat tuna, as well as eachother and other species of shark. Sharks also eat turtles and seals

Does a barracuda fish eat tuna fish?
