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There is a popular myth that Rhinocerous will stamp out campfires, however, there are no confirmed cases of it ever actually happened.

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8y ago

No, like most sensible wild animals, rhinos will flee from a bushfire.

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Do rhinos really stamp out fires?

There are anecdotal reports of rhinos using their brute force to stomp out small fires, but it is not a common behavior and not a reliable method for fire control. Rhinos are more likely to run away from fire to protect themselves.

Do rhinos put out fires?

No, like most sensible wild animals, rhinos will flee from a bushfire.

Do firefighters put out fires?

Firefighter's job is to put out fires and to rescue people.

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its not really fire there thi cimicals mixed togeather

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Because water is better to use to put out fires than sand.

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I think they put their horns out and ducking their heads

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Not all fire extinguishers will put out all fires. You must check your fire extinguisher to make sure that is equipped for all fires since different fires must be put out different ways.

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the gas often used to put out fires, especially in fire extinguishers.

What are the impacts of bush fires?

fire fighters put out bush fires.

How do you prevent a wildfire?

you put out camp fires and do not set fires near dry brush