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Red Foxes can make many different sounds. Most of them sound as if a torturing scream. Here is a website with all different kind of screams, calls, sounds, etc. that Foxes make;; past few nights by my house, in New Jersey, USA, we've been hearing screams and they were scary. I had saw a Red Fox walk past my house on the day before. That night we heard some screeches and expected it to be the fox. My sister was in her room trying to fall asleep the next night and opened her window to let some air in when she heard the screeches. She freaked out and ran upstairs. It can be very creepy. Hope I Helped. (: ~
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14y ago
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15y ago

Yes, they make a wide range of noises like screaming, chirping and barking.

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14y ago

Yes, I have one that runs up and down my drIveway every other night! It wakes up my 15 month old. It sounds like a hurt cat!

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13y ago

Yes, they make many sounds similar to dogs. Their normal "noise" is a very high bark or a yipping sound.

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Yes-they yap.

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Q: Do red foxes bark
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Why do foxes bark?

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Do foxes have vocal cords?

Yes. Foxes do have vocal cords. how else would the bark or make noise?

Where do red foxes naturally come from?

Red Foxes come from Asia.

What sound do foxes make?

Foxes make a sort of barking sound, much like dogs, but a little higher pitched. Basically, foxes barks are like whining barks.

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Gray Foxes are smaller than red foxes and red foxes live further north than gray foxes.

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Why do fox bark?

i think they're part dogIt is like asking, "Why do humans talk?"They bark to tell other foxes something.

How do red foxes build their homes?

Red foxes dig complex burrows as their homes.