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Yes. Just like humans, a dog with rabies will refuse to drink at all even though they may be dying of thirst.

Rhabdovirus is rabies , and where we get the words RABID and RABIES . It affects any infected mammal very similarly

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Q: Do rabid dogs suffer hydrophobia
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Related questions

What is the medical terminology for'hydrophobic'?

Rabid is the medical term for hydrophobic, and rabies is the medical term for hydrophobia.

how do rabid dogs behave?

behaviour of a rabid dog

What do you fear if you suffer from hydrophobia?

You fear either water or rabies.

Why do dogs suffer from hydrophobia?

Because they have been infected with the rabies virus and as a side effect refuse to drink. It is evident in to Kill A Mockingbird when Atticus Finch must shoot Johnson's dog?

What is the rabid dogs name?


Who invented rabbid dogs?

no one invented rabid dogs

Hydrophobia - does that mean you can scare away rabid animals with water?

The scientific name for rabies, "Hydrophobia" is as such because two of the symptoms of the disease are both an inflamed throat that rejects liquid nourishment, and a monstrous thirst for pure water. Because of this, sufferers act uncomfortable and frightened when around drinking water. You probably couldn't scare away a rabid animal with water - on the contrary, you'd only be attracting it.

Is there a disorder for people that have gotten bit by dogs?

Yes. People who have been bitten by dogs may suffer emotional reactions such as trauma and then display a lot of fear around dogs. if a person is bitten by a rabid dog, they may develop rabies - a fatal virus unless treated quickly.

What symptoms do dogs have when they get hydrophobia?

They get vicious and if they scratch or bite you. You will get crazy, so avoid this disease.

Where is the disease hydrophobia most prevalent?

If by hydrophobia, you are referring to Rabies Encephalitis, then in suburban areas where humans come in close contact to vectors such as raccoons, feral dogs, bats, foxes, etc.

Is it illegal for a cab in London to carry rabid dogs or corpses?


Can dogs kill people by a type of sickness?

If the dog is rabid, yes.