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yes they do but it will be real early in the morning while you are asleep. If they look bigger each day then you know she is feeding them.

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Q: Do rabbits nurse their babies
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Do rabbits nurse their babies with milk?

Yes all mammals suckle their young with milk.

Do all female rabbits breastfeed their babies what happens if they don't what can you do?

Yes, female rabbits nurse their babies. If a mother rabbit is unable or unwilling to nurse, you can try bottle-feeding the babies with a special formula for kittens or puppies. It's important to seek advice from a veterinarian experienced with rabbits to ensure the babies receive proper care and nutrition.

Does rabbits have live babies?

Yes, rabbits are mammals. They have live babies.

Do rabbits eat their babies?

no because rabbits are vegitarians and their babies would be meat

What babies do rabbits have?

Rabbits have baby bunnies.

Does platupuses nurse their babies?

yes,platupuses nurse thier babies

Nurse that cares for babies after birth?

The nurse that takes care of the babies after birth is called a postpartnum nurse.

Do rabbits adapt to to their babies?


How do rabbits nurse?

Rabbits feed their young in the same way as cats and dogs.Laying on their sides to expose the nipples to the kits, she will allow them to feed from her. Does feed their young only once a day normally.Actually the doe does not lie down; she stands over the babies while they nurse.

How do rabbits care for their babies?

Mother Rabbits care for their babies by burrowing them to keep them warm and giving them milk once a day.

Do female rabbits have to have babies?


How many babies do a pair of rabbits usually have in one year?

rabbits can have as many babies as posibble but it is unfair to make them have too many !